5 Quotes & Sayings By Benjamin Brindise

Benjamin Brindise is the author of "The Art of War" (2014) and "Horizons" (2015). He is the founder of the Foundation for the Study of War and Peace, which presents original artwork at international galleries and events. Brindise has written three novels: "The Bamboo Forest", "The Door", and "The Oracle". The first two are both available on Amazon.com.

All that helter-skelter about strings and memories was only relevant in the dark. It was light out now and time to put away childish things. Benjamin Brindise
I think it was C.S. Lewis that asked, 'Do not most people simply drift away?'. I've always been a reader and for the longest time that stuck with me because I was at war with it. How can people 'simply' drift away? Benjamin Brindise
Sometimes things just slip past you, into your hands and out through your fingers. In my half-in/half-out state I began to wonder if that could happen to people, too. Benjamin Brindise
I often stood and stared into those tunnels and thought about what happened there; how I was separated from it only by time." - The Procession Benjamin Brindise